Sunday, January 28, 2007


1,1,1,2,1,1,1. 10-15 knots

And now i know how it feels like to be peter burling

uh shucks i've got a project to hand in tmro and im so screwed.

nth much happening lately, and i know that my teachers are

gonna scold me tmro, havent completed all my homework yet.

My blog will turn a year old in about a month's time, 3000 visitors

currently since i put the counter on four months ago.

Nothing special for me to blog about except map awards is this thurs!.

and that im gonna have a hell week in sch, prepare for battle!.

where did i go wrong i lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness
and i would have stayed up with you all night had i known how to
save a life. - miss wee
4 A

Everybody dance now , swing it, say what
4 A

Everybody dance now , swing it, say what

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I hear your voice your calling me closer.

Dead boss, i cant feel my hands again. heh
what happened to sailing in 18-23 knots
in nz without gloves. Went shopping just
now for awards night stuff with my cousins.

And had fish and co for dinner, yumyum.
I'm so screwed now, homework's not done .
I'm so screwed now that jess is piss.

Another week of school and another chapter
continues, my aim for this week. To make
my day brighter and sch enjoyable.

i wish we all could win, i wish we all could smile.

pls do, for you'll save this soul. make a wise choice

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Now, dont wait

Its been a shit ass week in school and more homework
not understanding what the fuck the teacher is teaching
in class. At least i had math make up today and im confident
of taking the test next week. Physio everyday and
i know my back is just hanging on , its gonna break soon.

Tuesday night was even more fucked let me say.
And why in the world have i been waking up
in the middle of the day for the past four nights in school.

Wednesday was good water trng but after trng at nsc
i saw the fucking sickest shit i've ever seen in my life.
Toying around and you think thats cool is it? I dont care
if you read this shit. HLMTFK. balls to you .

Thursday i had make up lessons physio and psycho.
psycho was one bad shit cos we werent talking about
sailing. And it reads now 169.5cm. i grew.

Friday. After school. Two periods of physics, one of chem
and another two of maths. godlike holy balls. i couldnt take
it. Went home had early dinner started with painting.
You got home and gave me a hella of scolding.

ya and you thought i was playing with you

in fact you were. right from the start.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Beautiful Love

Far away, I feel your beating heart
All alone, beneathe the crystal stars
Staring into space, what a lonely face
I'll try to find my place with you

What a Beautiful smile
Can I stay for a while
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything right
My beautiful love

Friday, January 12, 2007

goodbye 2006

The year started off with stine and i quitting opti
and we got on to the 420 double handed boat
with me crewing and him helming. I have to thank
chun,dawn and liu jiao lian especially for their help
and tips on how to sail the boat right and fast.

Our first competition was the safyc changi regetta
where we finished 4th out of six boats. A pretty
average result if you ask me. Then it was selections
for asc- asian sailing championships, initially we thought
we could make it because they were suppose to
send two of the three male pairs but they were only
sending a pair. Without knowing much abt the boat
we sailed and i can say we pushed chun to the max
beating him a few races. And chun won asc

The period where everyone went asc was really tough
we did alot of self-trng and stine was always in his
normal working rate,enough to kill me anyway.
Then we heard about youth worlds selection and
more trng got underway especially both of
us in the gym trying to hit the 110kg mark.

We sailed youth worlds trials fully prepared
and confident not even losing to any guy pair
once in any race. We won but youth worlds
standards was really high, we trained under craig
in melbourne where he taught us how to
finish the race no matter what happens and
crew dynamics which i love.

We sailed our first 420 nationals and finished
2nd a result which i was happy with. Then in
one week's time we were at kiel week in germany
competiting against 153 other 420 boats, btw 420
nationals were also selections for asian games
with kiel week, and we had a 10 point lead against
chun. Kiel week was really fun and we chalked up
in 5 races, 14,10,1,4,13 with a overall standing
of 18th and won the selections for asian games.
The race that we got first in kiel, stine scared
the shit out of me during that black flag start
by starting in the middle on port tack
way above anyone else. We didnt get ocs anyway.

Next was youth worlds in weymouth. I think
youth worlds is like a mini olympics b'cos
every country was only allowed to send one
boat. We finished 18/33. I didnt expect
so much competition from the rest actually.
But we learnt much during the competition
and wee chin said we'll always improve with
age and time. And he was right.

Asian games- The biggest thing that ever
happened to the 22 of us in the sailing team.
Never have i seen so much team-work and
closeness between sailors. Supporting each
other and with maximum preparation
installed, we knew we could win this and
we sure did with two races to spare , needing
to only finish in the second last race.
Our races was 4,1,2,4,2,1,1,1,1,1,5,4,
the string of first was mostly bad starts.

420 Worlds 2007- my first worlds
at the worlds we make a point for everyone else
to remember that small boys like us can sail
in strong winds and its not all abt surviving.
even though we were 10-15 kg lighter we were
fighting with the big boys and the first three races
in worlds , we beat arg all three, aus two and brazil one.
Those that went to youth worlds last year they feared
us, knowing that the singaporean boys were ass
kicking in light airs. If the breeze stayed below
12 i'm pretty sure a top 5 was possible. we were
lying in 4th coming into the third day. No luck
in the last two days as the wind picked up
to 2o's range and swells. We didnt give up
and finished 15th overall and got a prize for
the youngest pair sailors.

thats all i think , will blog about my expectations
on sailing and studies soon. Spend like an hour
just typing all this down. I really should hit the
gym shouldnt i?.. Gotta get physio-ed first.

cheers 2006, you put a smile on my face.

2007 give me all you've got, come on!

normal tempo


will update abt the past 2 months soon.
for now i'll just enjoy the new year
even though its 12th jan.

Looking forward to 2007

I will sail,sail i will

Gimme the shit that will kill me now.

cos i want the shit that will kill 'em.